- Struts 1.x and Struts 2.x use standard MVC architecture framework
- Struts 1.x and Struts 2.x use only MVC Standalone architecture Framework.
View: Presentation
layer in which provide the Facility to provide following Tags to develop.
Struts-tag:- provide validation and form Backup.
HTML,XHTML:- provide design the page
CSS, CSS3:- Provide the make effective Design the
Internationalization Support(18n)
Logical-tag:-conditional and control tag
Tiles tag support use to support the template
Controller: Provide
the Configure mapping of the model part to the particular presentation request.
Multi Action Controller
Multi Button Controller (E.x in Servlet use of the
doGet, doPost, method we can handle the
one form at one request).
Multi Form Controller
Exception Handling Support.
Plugin Support:- Integrate the Controller to Model
Pre Handling Support: - At the time of submit we can
call the controller class.
Model: Provide
the Particular action file on Request to do business logic and database access.
Java Class(Business Logic)
JDBC(Database Access)
Hibernate(Database Access)
The Above view and Controller features are apply in Struts 1.x and Struts 2.x but in Struts 2.x
provide the more Feature are Following
Post handling
Pre Handling (Interceptor)(Controller)
Ajax Tags(View)
Value Stack(Controller)
Struts 2 Framework is Called the PULL MVC because its pull the all
response from the Controller
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