Intoduction of Strtus 1.x and 2.x MVC Framework

  •   Struts 1.x and Struts 2.x use standard MVC architecture framework
  •  Struts 1.x and Struts 2.x use only MVC Standalone architecture Framework.

View: Presentation layer in which provide the Facility to provide following Tags to develop.
·        Struts-tag:- provide validation and form Backup.
·        HTML,XHTML:- provide design the page
·        CSS, CSS3:- Provide the make effective Design the Pages.
·        Internationalization Support(18n)
·        Logical-tag:-conditional and control tag
·        Tiles tag support use to support the template                                

Controller: Provide the Configure mapping of the model part to the particular presentation request.
·        Multi Action Controller
·        Multi Button Controller (E.x in Servlet use of the doGet, doPost,   method we can handle the one form at one request).
·        Multi Form Controller
·        Exception Handling Support.
·        Plugin Support:- Integrate the Controller to Model
·        Pre Handling Support: - At the time of submit we can call the controller class.

Model: Provide the Particular action file on Request to do business logic and database access.
·        Java Class(Business Logic)
·        JDBC(Database Access)
·        Hibernate(Database Access)
The Above view and Controller features are apply in  Struts 1.x and Struts 2.x but in Struts 2.x provide the more Feature are Following
·        Post handling
·        Pre Handling (Interceptor)(Controller)
·        Ajax Tags(View)
·        OGNL(View)
·        Value Stack(Controller)
Struts 2 Framework is Called the PULL MVC because its pull the all response from the Controller

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